RIGENT "An inclusive school with a culture of high expectations for all." Ofsted, 2018 Join us for an Open Morning tour. Booking is essential; go to www.regenthighschool.org.uk to find out more. Tours start at 9.00am on Mondays 4 and I1,Tuesdays 5 and 12, Wednesdays 6 and 13, Thursdays 7 and 14 and Fridays 8 and I5 October 2021. CONTACT US: 020 7387 0126 enquiries@regenthighschool.org.uk FOLLOW US: www.regenthighschool.org.uk » @RegentHighSch REGENT HIGH SCHOOL Regent High School, Chalton Street, London NWI IRX AMBITION INSPIRATION OPPORTUNITY RIGENT "An inclusive school with a culture of high expectations for all." Ofsted, 2018 Join us for an Open Morning tour. Booking is essential; go to www.regenthighschool.org.uk to find out more. Tours start at 9.00am on Mondays 4 and I1,Tuesdays 5 and 12, Wednesdays 6 and 13, Thursdays 7 and 14 and Fridays 8 and I5 October 2021. CONTACT US: 020 7387 0126 enquiries@regenthighschool.org.uk FOLLOW US: www.regenthighschool.org.uk » @RegentHighSch REGENT HIGH SCHOOL Regent High School, Chalton Street, London NWI IRX AMBITION INSPIRATION OPPORTUNITY